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Basket style may not be exactly as shown. Grown in an 11" plastic basket. Products shown in containers and pots are for visual representation of product growth only, unless otherwise stated.
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available on the spring fundraiser order now for pickup or delivery in May 11" Basket

Tuberous Begonia Hanging Basket

Tuberous Begonia Hanging Basket

Illumination® Golden Picotee - BH01

Regular price $31.25 CAD
Regular price Sale price $31.25 CAD
Sale Sold Out Online

Full Sun (6+ hr)

Part Sun (4-6 hr)

Shade (up to 4 hr)

Deer Resistant

Rabbit Resistant

Attracts Butterflies

Attracts Hummingbirds

High Light

Medium Light

Low Light

Pet Friendly

  • Huge three inch blooms cascade down over glossy foliage. Perfect for a shady area or early morning sun. Begonia do not like to be over watered. Allow surface of the soil to become dry before watering. Fertilize every 2 weeks for continuous blooms.
  • Basket style may not be exactly as shown.
  • 160 in stock


    Grown in 11 inch pot.

    Exposure: Shade to part sun

    Bloom time: Summer

    Height: 25 - 30 cm

    Water Requirements: Average

    Pot not exactly as illustrated.

    Illumination Golden Picotee

    Huge three inch blooms cascade down over glossy foliage. Perfect for a shady area or early morning sun. Begonia do not like to be over watered.  Allow surface of the soil to become dry before watering.  Fertilize every 2 weeks for continuous blooms. Pot not exactly as illustrated. 

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